My monkey gallery

Félicité Landrivon


09 September – 22 October 2021
Graphic design

Félicité Landrivon (website) was born in Australia in 1989 and lives in Lyon. After studying literature and linguistics, she finally turned to graphic design. Sensitive to practices on the edge of the mainstream, she draws her influences from popular culture and twists, distorts and decomposes the paragons and consensual forms of graphic design, favoring the poster as a medium for experimentation.

From editorial to micro-edition, developing also towards illustration, she collaborates with cultural places, music bands, independent labels, publishers, associations and other activists of the shade. Also a scheduler and organizer of concerts in the Lyon scene, she recently launched the musical fanzine Ventoline (website), written and illustrated exclusively by women.

For this exhibition at My monkey, she will present a selection of posters from the last ten years, and will also open her hard drives and other iconographic archives to honor the sources, paths and associations that feed her compositions.

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