Since 2003, the My monkey gallery has been a space for the diffusion, creation and promotion of multidisciplinary work, and has maintained a demanding look at contemporary French and international graphic design. Throughout the year, it offers exhibitions and meetings with artists, and has a sales area for independent editions, a shared work space open to creative people, a photo studio and a printshop (Riso). My monkey also publishes fanzines, catalogs and graphic objects in limited series.

Managed since 2003 by a core of volunteers passionate about art – and graphic arts in particular –, the My Monkey association has a gallery that is now a reference in the landscape of contemporary graphic arts in France.
Privileged islet in a world saturated with images, the gallery space serves as a real observatory and questions the place of graphic design and its current fields of expression, on media as varied as posters, typography, publishing, but also its interactions with other disciplines of contemporary creation such as art, drawing, photography or video.
It invites the public to discover alternative, sensitive, singular or emblematic authors' postures. Whether they are experimental or part of a commissioned work, the proposals of the invited artists have in common that they open wider perspectives to understand our world and the discipline.
By continually seeking to renew its projects and by encouraging permeability between the different art forms of which it proposes a selective vision, My monkey presents itself as a rich and moving, evolving and relevant field of exploration. Its interventions in and ex situ, its regular collaborations with local, national or international actors decompartmentalize at the same time its space, its territory and the approached disciplines.
Articulée autour d’une programmation de 5 à 8 expositions mensuelles in situ par an, la programmation de mymonkey est régulière et s’accompagne de nombreux événements plus ponctuels généralement guidés par l’actualité artistique: participation à des manifestations culturelles extérieures, programmation hors les murs, concerts, rencontres avec des artistes, sortie de livres, salons de l’édition, concours… En parallèle, l’association édite plusieurs fois par an des ouvrages qui viennent prolonger et déployer le discours de ses divers intervenants (publication régulière du fanzine Mmagazine en lien avec les expositions; publication ponctuelle de catalogues thématiques ou de séries limitées). Elle distribue aussi les éditions Arts Factory, Broadcast posters, les magazines culturels Novo, Zut, Kiblind…Based on a program of 5 to 8 monthly exhibitions in situ per year, My monkey's program is regular and is accompanied by numerous more occasional events generally guided by artistic news: participation in external cultural events, programming outside the walls, concerts, meetings with artists, book releases, publishing fairs, competitions... In parallel, the association publishes several times a year works that extend and deploy the discourse of its various speakers (regular publication of the fanzine Mmagazine in connection with the exhibitions; occasional publication of thematic catalogs or limited series). It also distributes the editions Arts Factory, Broadcast posters, the cultural magazines Novo, Zut, Kiblind...
My monkey is sponsored by Ville de Nancy, DRAC Grand Est, Région Grand Est and you with the support of CNAP – Graphisme en France.
To help us, you can donate, buy something in our shop or give a hand to the team of volunteers.
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